Is Thermal Paste Toxic?

Is Thermal Paste Toxic?

As with all components and substances related to computers and technology, you’ve probably been very careful when handling thermal paste. Not only because of the risk of toxicity but also because of the risk of spillage. And it’s understandable – when handling a grey metallic substance that’s used inside a computer its better to be safe than sorry, right? … right? Let’s find out. In this article we’ll examine whether or not thermal paste really is dangerous and why.

Keep reading to learn more.

Are the components and ingredients in CPU thermal paste toxic?

Is Thermal Paste Toxic?

To know for sure if a substance is toxic, we need to take a look at its chemical makeup and whether or not any toxic elements are used in the manufacturing process. So, what is thermal paste made of? As discussed in a previous article, thermal paste is mostly made up of:

  • A silicone base

  • Fillers such as: Zinc, Aluminum, or Silver

  • Other tertiary materials (negligible trace amounts)

Firstly, let’s examine silicone. Silicone is a derivative of silicon which is a naturally-occurring element. It is found in several types of rubber including medical-grade rubber such as the kind used to make the nipples to baby bottles. If we use it with babies, chances are its safe. The element its derived from (silicon) is also safe. Silicon is used in cookware, breast implants, and lubricants.

Secondly, the metals.

According to PubMed, Zinc has relatively low toxicity if ingested orally or through the skin in small doses. In higher doses, Zinc can interfere with the way your body processes iron and copper and harm your immune function. But this is only at levels much higher than what you would find in a regular tube of thermal paste. So we can consider this non-toxic.

Aluminum is even less toxic than Zinc. According to the CDC, the average adult in the U.S. eats 7-9mg of aluminum per day. Additionally, there’s other ways aluminum regularly enters your body including: through the air, through cookware, and through water. Therefore, we all have a low level of aluminum constantly circulating in and out of our bodies. At higher levels, as those seen in workers using aluminum for manufacturing, aluminum toxicity presents as coughing, difficulty breathing, and some adverse effects to the nervous system. Again, way more than you would find in a tube of thermal paste.

Silver is probably the least toxic of all of the metals shown here. According to PubMed, even at high levels silver presents no real risk except being “cosmetically undesirable” – meaning it literally turns you blue. Assuming you don’t like that, you will then metaphorically also turn blue.

Over the years, other metals like mercury or lead have also been used in computer manufacturing. However, neither of these are ever used in the making of thermal paste. In general thermal paste is not toxic.

But is there still any risk if you touch it?

What happens if I touch thermal paste? How to get it off? 

Is Thermal Paste Toxic?

No. There’s no risk. Nothing happens. It may seem surreal because of how the myth of thermal paste toxicity has been perpetuated but there’s really no risk to touching thermal paste. Many Youtubers and Instagrammers have made videos putting thermal paste on their hands, one even going so far as to build a PC while his hands are completely covered in thermal paste.

The only result is: a big mess. Thermal paste is designed to stick so you’ll have to spend some time washing it off. As with cleaning thermal paste off of a CPU, a high-quality isopropyl alcohol would do the job. However, we recommend trying our Kooling Monster KLEAN-01 first. The specialized thermal paste removal formula inside works great whether the thermal paste is on your CPU or on your hands.

But truth be told, it’s best to avoid the entire process.

How to avoid touching thermal paste accidentally?

 Accidents happen. Even if you’re very careful, it’s still not assured that you’ll completely avoid touching thermal paste. And even though thermal paste isn’t toxic, it’s still an irritant – meaning if you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth afterwards, you could experience some discomfort. How can we avoid this unpleasant scenario?

The first and best way is to prevent thermal paste from coming in contact with your skin. Disposable gloves provide an excellent barrier between your skin and whatever substance or components you’re touching. That way, even if you do accidentally brush some onto your hands, you can toss out the gloves and enjoy your day.

Kooling Monster KOLD-01 Thermal Paste package and KLEAN-01 Thermal Paste Cleaner package both come with a free pair of gloves specialized to protect your skin from contact with thermal paste.

The second way is to reduce the likelihood of the thermal paste coming in contact with you. When you uninstall your heatsink or waterblock, pay special attention to whether there’s any old thermal paste that might leak out. When you apply the new thermal paste, ensure that you’re not using an excessive amount. An excessive amount of thermal paste has a higher chance of leakage, which also increases the chances that you’ll come in contact with it – either immediately or the next time you reapply your thermal paste.

Avoid the nasty process of having to wash it off by wearing gloves and making sure your thermal paste amounts are in line with standards.

What happens if you eat thermal paste? 

Is Thermal Paste Toxic?

Let’s clear this up: we don’t think anyone actually wants to eat thermal paste. And if you do, here’s your sign to stop. However, some people may accidentally consume thermal paste. Say for example you haver a bad habit of putting your fingers in your mouth, biting your nails, etc. Or say you finish a build hungry and immediately run to grab your fries and burger – In cases like these maybe you’ll accidentally chow down on some thermal paste.

Don’t worry, you’ll probably be okay. In small amounts, thermal paste is non-toxic. The formula differs from brand to brand so there’s no real way to tell whether a thermal paste is toxic or not, but as we examined earlier there wouldn’t be a need for any extremely toxic elements to be used. And to date, there haven’t been any records or reports detailing a death or serious injury resulting from the consumption of thermal paste.

That said, we still don’t recommend it. And it’s probably not something you want to garnish your cake with.


What are the common components in thermal paste, and how toxic are they?

Thermal paste primarily consists of a silicone base and fillers like Zinc, Aluminum, or Silver. Generally, these components are not toxic in the amounts found in thermal paste. High levels of these metals, far beyond what's in thermal paste, can potentially cause health issues.

What are the potential risks or side effects of skin contact with thermal paste?

Skin contact with thermal paste usually poses no significant risk, as it is typically non-toxic. However, thermal paste can be an irritant, meaning it could cause discomfort if touched to sensitive areas such as eyes, nose, or mouth.

How can one effectively clean thermal paste off the skin or a CPU?

To clean thermal paste off skin or a CPU, use a high-quality isopropyl alcohol or a specialized thermal paste removal solution. Make sure to wash the area thoroughly to remove all traces of the paste. View more about KLEAN-01🔗

What measures can be taken to prevent accidental contact with thermal paste?

To prevent accidental contact, wear disposable gloves while handling thermal paste. Also, be careful not to use excessive paste, which could lead to spills or leaks. Ensure you remove all old thermal paste before reapplying new.

Is there any harm in accidentally consuming thermal paste, and what precautions should be taken to avoid this?

Accidental consumption of thermal paste is generally harmless in small amounts, as it's non-toxic. However, it's important to practice good hygiene, like washing hands thoroughly before eating, especially after handling thermal paste. Avoidance is the best approach; do not intentionally ingest thermal paste.


Can You Reuse Thermal Paste on CPU?


What Are Other Thermal Paste Alternatives?